Speciaal voor de techneuten onder ons: er is een nieuw interactief digitaal tijdschrift verschenen onder de veelzeggende titel Code4Lib.
Een paar stukjes uit de "editorial introduction":
This (!) mission of this journal is to cover “the intersection of libraries, technology, and the future.”
Inspired in part by the social dynamics of distributed open source projects, Code4Lib is an informal online social and professional network of library technologists, embodying values of transparency, cooperation, and pragmatic problem solving.
The Code4Lib Journal project aspires to balance a variety of sometimes competing goals. We want to provide quality articles providing useful information and discussion on bringing library technology into the future. We want every article to be a useful intervention into our communities of practice. We value readability over formality, and hope to meet high standards for quality and utility. We’d like articles to have the technical detail for reproducibility, while still being accessible to readers at varying levels of technical expertise.
Benieuwd of het ook voor onze ontwikkelaars nuttige inzichten zal opleveren.
[met dank aan Lorcan Dempsey's blog]
woensdag 19 december 2007
Gepost door Eric Sieverts op 21:07
Labels: collaboration tool, ontwikkelen
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